Ballet Dance classes Dubai

Ballet dance classes for children & adolescents

From 4 – 17 years, 4 ballet dance classes specially adapted for each age Each class has a specific objective, whether it’s awareness, balance, rhythm…

Adagio – 4/6 years
Dance, the discovery of life

Learn to become a dancer with all its musical sensitivity, its “singing” body, its surplus of life, its desire, its playful and creative work, its grace and mystery of presence.

Discover ADAGIO

Mélodie – 6/8 years
Dance, feels like a game

Learn to master the body as part of discovering and developing creativity and sensitivity.

Discover Mélodie

Arpège – 8/11 years
Dance, the school of life

The body is capable of achieving spectacular transformation if there is the strength and desire to do so. The art is in the subtle harmony which combines sensitivity with the mastery and practice of specific techniques.

Discover Arpège


Dance, rigour, respect & perseverance

Understand dance as a creative freedom of expression of the self and an art of transforming tension and pressure into potential.

Discover Symphonie